Because all children deserve quality care regardless of immunization status….
Focus on the child…
Growth And Development
During the first few days following birth, it is not uncommon for a baby to lose up to 10% of birthweight
By 10 days old a baby will return to its birthweight
By 5 months old a baby will double its birthweight
By 1 year old, a baby will have tripled it birthweight
Average length of a new born is 20 in, and 30 inch by 1 year old
At age 4, the average child is double birth length
Average Head Circumference (HC) at birth is 13.5 inches
HC should increase by 2cm per month from birth to 3 months, then continues to grow at 1cm per month for the first year of life.
Health Supervision Visits
The goal of care is to help each child achieve his or her potential.
We ensure your child is on track by having regular visits to check on their growth & develop and to monitor for any concerns. When needed we work with other providers such as chiropractors, pediatric dentists, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, cranial technology specialists to implement early interventions to minimize long term health issues.
Sick Visits
Let’s face it, despite our best efforts, kiddos still get sick from time to time.
For established patients, we are glad to offer tele-visits to get your precious one feeling better sooner!